20/30 Fast Track – Weight Loss, Wellness, & Nutrition in Wichita, KS
If You’re Over 35, then 7 Different Hormones Can Make It Impossible For You To Lose Weight!

Stop Struggling!
Get Your FREE Hormone Weight Loss Assessment Now! Click Here:
It’s Been Proven That Hormonal Issues Are A Common And Direct Cause Of Excess Weight And Many Other Health Problems.
In Fact, There Are 7 Different Hormones That Can Make It Virtually Impossible For You To Lose Weight. Especially If You’re Over 35.

The 20/30 Fast Track Plan Addresses Those Hormones, So You Can Finally Lose Weight.*

The 20/30 Fast Track Program Offers An Easy-to-Follow Plan and Fast Results Because It’s NOT A Diet.
This program teaches you a lifestyle that will help you keep the weight off, and maintain your weight for the rest of your life.
Reduce Stress
Emotional Eating
Structured Eating Plan
Crush Cravings
Healthy Habits
Lifestyle Success
Stop Struggling!
Get Your FREE Hormone Weight Loss Assessment Now! Click Here:
Our Members Have Reported A Variety of Health Benefits While On The Program, Including …
Losing A 1/2 to 1 Pound A Day On Average
Balanced Hormones
Better, More Restful Sleep
Lowered Stress
Increased Energy
Stabilized Blood Sugar
Mental Clarity & Focus
Lowered Blood Pressure
Migraines Eliminated
“I feel better and know I look better! I am healthy and more confident with myself!”
Charlette has lost 85 pounds and 74 inches with a combined total of 159 on the 20/30 Fast Track and LTYB program.
In 3 months, Carl has lost 60 pounds and 54 inches with a combined total of 114!!!!!
This program has also helped him with reducing his blood pressure medication! His Dr has said he is so proud of him and to continue doing what he is doing because it’s WORKING!! He has tons of energy and is enjoying his new way of living!
Buffy has lost 63 pounds and 57 inches with a combined total of 120!
She’s down 8 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes!!!! She’s also started exercising every day and really enjoying her new lifestyle!! The 20/30 Fast Track program has also helped her with: better sleep, no more night sweats, no more hot flashes, reduced blood pressure and blood sugar, less bloating and much more.
Will YOU Be Our Next 20/30 Success Story?
This is the BEST program of its kind because NO ONE with our experience is teaching anything like it! The goal is permanent weight loss and lasting health… the focus is YOU and your results!
Stop Struggling!
Get Your FREE Hormone Weight Loss Assessment Now! Click Here:
20/30 Fast Track – Wichita, KS

Lisa is a licensed ‘Contagious Wellness Expert’ Facilitator with The Donna Krech Companies, which are nationally renowned for their cutting edge programs, result-producing processes and trend setting expertise. She has also attended the W.O.W Wellness Academy, and completed training to be fully certified as a coach, qualified to administer the 20-30 Fast Track to Weight Loss and Health, and the Listen to Your Body programs.
While most programs focus on only ONE aspect of wellness, 20/30 Fast Track and Listen to Your Body focus on ALL aspects of wellness.
With Lisa’s help, you can accomplish all of those things – and more. Lisa is committed to provide YOU insider access to this taste of success.
If you’re tired of feeling tired and cranky… if you crave something sweet or salty after ever meal, or you want to take a nap after you eat… if you don’t feel absolutely awesome about yourself, or you feel like life is harder than it should be… NOW is the time for you to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.